Just How Popular Are Pizza Dough and Toppings Anyway?

Just How Popular Are Pizza Dough and Toppings Anyway?

Pizza DoughPizza dough, and the many types of pizza garnish that go with it, have been touted as America’s most popular food. But is it really? Just how popular is pizza anyway? A recent survey done by Technomic answers that question. 
The survey showed that a whopping 93 per cent of partake in pizza at least once a month. That’s a lot of people that might be wandering by your pizzeria with a craving that they need to satisfy! The average pizza-eater in the study said that they eat pizza about three times each and every month. But what they’re looking for when it’s time to buy might vary depending on their age. And perhaps not surprisingly, young people are looking for new and trendy ingredients, and ones that might be a bit healthier. 
Those healthy ingredients include whole wheat products, which 41 per cent of people are looking for; and 30 per cent of people prefer organic toppings. In fact, 50 per cent of people prefer all-natural crusts, while 38 per cent like the ingredients on their pizza to be locally-sourced. So a simple matter of putting a sign up showing you shop at the nearby farmer’s market for your toppings might be enough to tip the scales in your restaurant’s favor. 
So as it turns out, pizza really is that popular, and probably deserves to be called America’s most popular food. But you can make your pizzeria even more popular by offering whole wheat dough as an alternative, and all-natural organic toppings.