Italian Pizza Dough is Just One Part of True Italian Pizza

Italian Pizza Dough is Just One Part of True Italian Pizza

Many people think that Italian pizza dough is what defines true Italian pizza; and it’s true. That Italian dough Italian Pizza Doughthat becomes brown and crispy on the outside, and soft and chewy on the inside is a big part of true Italian pizza. But that’s really just one part of it. The other part of it is in the toppings, and offering them to your customers along with traditional dough is all part of offering authentic Italian cuisine.

Pizza actually wasn’t born in Italy, as it’s become known to be. It was actually in Egypt and ancient Greece that people started flavoring flatbread with the herbs and spices that were locally available and then throwing them against extremely hot stones to cook them for short periods. Once Italy got a hold of the idea, they then began crushing tomatoes and adding different herbs and smothering the breads with these additional ingredients. Mozzarella was added after the buffalo came to Italy and began making the creamy cheese. It was after this final addition that the Italian pizza so many are familiar with today was created. Toppings other than cheese aren’t even necessary with authentic Italian pizza, but pepperoni is still the most traditional Italian topping.

Of course, for that perfect sauce and perfect cheese, you’ll need the right dough for your Italian pizza and when you do, come see us at DeIorios. We have all the frozen dough products you need including whole wheat, honey wheat, gluten-free, and of course, authentic Italian dough.