It May Not Be Traditional, But This Naan Using Frozen Pizza Dough Sure is Delicious!

It May Not Be Traditional, But This Naan Using Frozen Pizza Dough Sure is Delicious!

Naan from Pizza DoughIf you don’t have a tandoor, you may have thought that making naan bread was impossible up to this point. But this is a case where you can fake it till you make it, and don’t worry. We won’t tell anyone that you’re really just using a cast iron skillet and frozen pizza dough.  


  • 1 package dough, preferably pre-rolled
  • 2 tablespoon ghee (preferable) or melted butter


  1. Roll out the pizza dough as thin as it will go if it’s not already, and shape it into the form of an oval, about five or six inches in length.
  2. Brush with ghee or melted butter on one side.
  3. Heat up a cast iron skillet as high as it will go.
  4. Place greased side of dough into the piping hot skillet and leave there for only a couple of seconds. While that side is cooking, brush the other side with more of the melted butter. Flip, and continue cooking for a couple of seconds on the other side.

This might not be the most authentic way to create naan bread for your customers, but we’re pretty sure they’re going to love it just the same!