Is Your Pizza Dough Distributor Only Offering Gluten Free Pizza Dough?

Is Your Pizza Dough Distributor Only Offering Gluten Free Pizza Dough?

Thin Pizza CrustYou’ve found a pizza dough distributor that can offer you gluten free pizza dough and that’s great! Now you can tap into a larger segment of the market, including those who have celiac disease. But while this dough may let you offer gluten free pizza, does it let you do anything else? What if you want to make meatballs, offer breaded chicken wings or chicken fingers? Or desserts such as cookies or brownies?

Gluten free pizza dough just won’t cut it in these cases, and you may still segregate an entire portion of the market. And some customers may even be upset when they find out the only gluten free item you offer is pizza. So what can you do?

Order all of your DeIorio’s gluten free products! Our Tasti Grain gluten free pizza is delicious, fresh and tasty, and healthy and safe for everyone to eat! But we know it’s all about choice, and that you want to offer it to customers.

That’s why in addition to pizza dough, we also offer gluten free brownies, gluten free dough balls that can be shaped into anything you want, and even gluten free bread crumbs. These can be substituted with just about any recipe that calls for wheat, and will open the door to gluten free on your menu!