Is Your Homemade Pizza Ready for the Pizza Olympics?

Is Your Homemade Pizza Ready for the Pizza Olympics?

Homemade PizzaWhile the world gears up for the Sochi Olympics happening in February 2014, we wanted to tell you about another kind of Olympics that you might be even more interested in – the Pizza Olympics! And while you may at first think this is just a fun celebration of homemade pizza, it’s actually a serious competition that occurs in Naples, Italy every year.

The tradition of seeing who has the best pizza garnish and dough is one that began five years ago in Naples. Every year since, hundreds of bakers and pizza masters have gathered together, bringing their recipes with them and of course, a taste of that delicious pizza that brought them there in the first place. The dough doesn’t have to be truly authentic Italian pizza dough but the dish has to be extremely tasty in order to win a prize at this competition. There is one category for the most authentic dish and last year, a surprising winner from Hiroshima, Japan took the medal in this category.

Do you think your pizza is good enough to win the Pizza Olympics? Or would you rather go for all the tasting that needs to be done, if not to enter your own?