Is It Any Surprise? The Origination of the Word ‘Pizza’ Comes from Italian Pizza Dough!

pizza dough manufacturer DeIorios
Although some argue that pizza originally came from the ancient parts of Greece, it’s widely known that this delicious pie topped with sauce, cheese, and other toppings actually came from Italy. And if you don’t believe us, just consider that it’s all right there in the name for that pie!
Is it any surprise though, really? With pizza being one of the most identifiable Italian treats, the word ‘pizza’ actually comes from Italian pizza dough. The word in Italian is picea, and literally translated it means “blackening of crust by fire.” That makes even more sense, as anyone who’s had authentic Italian dough will tell you that the pizza crust is super thin, and it has the trademark charred black spots in several spots around the dough. That’s because it’s been baked in a specialty pizza oven that reaches up to 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Only a minute or two in that oven produces those crispy dark spots that make this pizza so very tasty.
So now you know where both pizza, and the word ‘pizza’ actually came from. And is it any wonder that they originated from the same place – Italy? Don’t let anyone tell you differently!