Including Sides with the Cost of Homemade Pizza Can Boost Your Business

deiorios heritage of excellence

Including Sides with the Cost of Homemade Pizza Can Boost Your Business

Unlike huge holiday dinners, or even small family dinners, in which it’s not necessarily about the “main attraction” – the big salad or main protein, homemade pizza is usually about that – the pizza, and the pizza alone. But what if frozen pizza dough and some toppings isn’t enough to fill you up? It’s a problem for many people, who are looking to tuck into something else that will give them just that little edge to keep them full beyond the dinner hour. That’s when you need to have sides, something most restaurants don’t offer with their pizza, and it’s something that could get more people into your restaurant.

Things like frozen rolls or breadsticks are often what many restaurateurs offer, because it’s fairly inexpensive and most restaurants have these on hand anyway. The problem with this is that customers can easily see through it. Because restaurants are becoming such big business and therefore have a lot of competition, customers expect the best and expect bread to be waiting for them at the table when they arrive. Including these items on the side just won’t lure customers.

Instead, offering something simple such as a salad or French fries is the perfect solution. These are items that customers often order with their pizza anyway, and they’ll be delighted to get them at your restaurant, and at a cost included with that pizza they’re already ordering anyway. This is a great way to get more people through your company’s door, and get them eating your pizza.

frozen pizza dough