How to Store Frozen Pizza Properly for Take Home Pizza

How to Store Frozen Pizza Properly for Take Home Pizza

One of the biggest trends in restaurants and pizzerias these days is offering take home pizza. With this service, the frozen pizza is prepared in your restaurant’s kitchen, frozen with the toppings on, and then made available for customers to pick up and cook on their own once at home. But whenever restaurants offer this service, they always come across a dilemma. How do you store it without ruining the homemade pizza, and while keeping its integrity?

The only way to do it, without getting bits of plastic inside the package dough, is to place the pizzas on a baking sheet and then place them in the freezer to freeze individually and unwrapped. They need to be completely frozen this way before they can be wrapped. Otherwise, even the slightest bit of stickiness or moisture in the dough will cause it to freeze right to the plastic wrapping. Once that happens, it can be incredibly difficult to remove, and to safely serve your customers safe, take home pizza.

Once the pizzas are completely frozen you can then remove them from the freezer and wrap them in plastic wrap to serve. After the freezing process you can place them inside of cardboard boxes instead of plastic, but as these can crumple or become ruined in the freezing process, these shouldn’t be placed in the freezer either.

Take home pizza is one of the most popular services you could offer your customers. Just make sure that you do it the right way the first time, or your customers may not be back for more.