How to Save the Nutritional Integrity of Your Frozen Pizza Dough

par baked pizza

Frozen pizza dough is nutritious?!?! Yes, it is! Even with all the bad press it gets, white flour still contains nutritional components – thiamin, folate, and selenium are just a few. And if you’re buying whole wheat products, you know just how much goodness is packed into every bite. But how do you preserve that nutritional integrity and make sure your dough is tasty and nutritious every single time?

The key is in the storage and cooking techniques. When food is kept in very cold places, such as a freezer, for a very long period of time, the components of that food begin to break down. The fibers within the dough will weaken, which will result in a tougher product; and it’s also this breaking down that destroys some of the nutritional quality. Freezing is preserving, but it’s not an indefinite process. Typically dough will stay in a freezer for about three to four months before losing any of the nutritional quality.

Just like over-freezing can cause dough’s nutritional quality to break down, so can over-cooking. Just like any other food, when dough is cooked for too long, the nutritional ingredients within it break down considerably. And the longer it cooks, the more those ingredients break down.

Of course, you’ll get the dough with the highest nutrition quality that will stand up to freezing and cooking very well if you order from a good wholesale pizza dough supplier. Here at DeIorios we make sure to offer many different lines of nutritional dough, no matter what you’re looking for. And it’s integrity – nutritional or otherwise – is never questioned.