How to Make Wholesome and Delicious Stromboli

What is Stromboli? Many people mistake it for calzones, the tasty dish that is much like a pizza folded in half. Stromboli though is much different and if calzones are folded pizza, this Italian dish is rolled pizza. Once you make it, you can see how easy it is to add any topping of your choice (or let your customers choose them.) And then just watch what a boost it is to your profits!

Start with the frozen pizza shells you’re currently buying and allow them to defrost. Keep it flat and then sprinkle on any toppings of your choice over the entire surface of the dough. Meat and cheese work best but make sure that any toppings you use are cooked before you place them onto the wholesale pizza dough. They won’t have enough time in the oven to fully cook through.

Once the toppings are cooked, anything’s game including sausage, beef, bacon, onions, olives, tomatoes, peppers, and any cheese that you can think of. If you’d like to offer anything else, go ahead and add it. Just make sure that you leave a small space along the edge that is not covered with anything. When you’re making wholesome and delicious Stromboli, the choice is truly yours!

After you’ve laid out all the toppings on the dough, then just roll it up starting with the long edge. Make sure not to roll it too tightly, as that will cause it to burst; but not too loosely either, as that will cause the toppings to fall out. Once rolled, press the dough into itself to seal it.

Then, just bake in a 400 degree oven for about ten minutes and remove when the dough is crisp and golden. It’ll be pizza to enjoy, in a whole new way!