How to Get that Freshly Baked Smell with Wholesale Bread

brown betty recipe from DeIorios
It used to be that if you wanted a sandwich on freshly baked bread, or fresh New York style pizza dough you had to go to a delicatessen or a specialty café. This was because in years past, so many restaurants have purchased wholesale bread that was fully baked and fully prepared, and it was available to use right away. And while this was a convenient solution, it left customers missing one thing – walking into a restaurant or cafeteria and being met with the smell of freshly baked bread.

Everyone loves the smell of freshly baked bread and, just like music in a business, it can make customers want to stay and order whatever’s on the menu – as long as it includes something that made that delicious smell! But, is that desire alone worth employing highly-skilled bakers that are required to make bread just right?

Probably not. And that’s why par-baked package dough is the right answer that provides convenient – and aromatic – middle ground.

Par-baked dough is dough that has mostly been baked at the distributor’s warehouse, and just needs to be finished off for a few minutes in the oven. When you bake it in yours, it fills the air with that wonderful freshly-baked bread smell, and without you having to do any of the work.

Freshly-baked bread may not seem like a big deal, but you’d be surprised at the lengths customers will go to get it. When you use par-baked dough to offer it to them, you’ll be amazed at how it helps your profits soar!