How Do You Celebrate “Shape Up with Pickles Time” with Pizza Dough?

How Do You Celebrate “Shape Up with Pickles Time” with Pizza Dough?

DeIorios-olivesDid you know that the first week of February is known to many as “Shape Up with Pickles Time”? It is, and when we heard of this unusual food holiday, we just had to come up with a promotion that you could use in conjunction with it. But how can you put pickles on pizza dough? Well, we’re going to stretch the term “pickle” here to include anything that might be brined. And when you do that, you’ll see a world of capers and olives open up to you!

The chances are good that you’re already offering olives as a topping for your frozen pizza, and probably on many different styles of pizza. But consider updating one of your menu items, or just creating a new one with capers also added to it. Capers are so delicious they’re considered to be a gourmet pizza garnish, and there are lots of ways you can include them on your pizza. Pair them with salmon or tuna, include a light white sauce or crème fraise, and you’ll create a pizza your customers will be talking about for a long time.

Pickles might not be one of the first things you think of when considering new toppings for your pizza. But try capers and olives, and celebrate “Shape Up with Pickles Time” this week with your customers!