Fun Facts on Our Favorite – Homemade Pizza!

Fun Facts on Our Favorite – Homemade Pizza!

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Whether you prefer homemade pizza, Italian pizza dough, or frozen pizza, here are some fun facts on America’s most popular food!
  • The average pizzeria goes through about 55 boxes a day.
  • The highest-grossing pizzeria in the nation that is not a chain is in Anchorage, Alaska. The name of the pizzeria is Moose’s Tooth Pub, and it sells about $6 million in pizza every single year.
  • Pizza makes up over 10 per cent of all food sales in the country every year.
  • Super Bowl Sunday is one of the top five days that Americans order pizza. Orders greatly increase when the game is a close one!
  • One reason pizza might be so popular is because Italian food is the most popular ethnic food in America.
  • Thin crust pizza is the most popular type in the nation, with 61 per cent of people preferring it to standard or thick crust pizza.
  • Most people like meat to top their pizza – 62 per cent compared with the 38 per cent that would rather have vegetables as a topping.
  • Perhaps not surprisingly, women are much more likely to order their pizza with vegetable toppings than men.
  • Those who deliver pizza to front doors say that women are typically much better tippers than men.
  • Each and every year, Las Vegas holds a Pizza Expo to help us celebrate our love of pizza.
  • Of all the different sizes of pizzas available, the 14-inch remains the most popular.
There are just a few more trivia facts to help you celebrate October, National Pizza Month!