Frozen Pizza Dough Safety

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Any time you have a number of foods stored together in a large freezer, the chances of cross-contamination are good. So how do you keep your frozen pizza dough safe, and in turn, keep your customers safe, too?

Start by ensuring that meats, vegetables, and dough all have their own sections in the freezer. This will ensure that no juices from one food trickle onto another; and that your food is always kept safe. Many people don’t pay enough attention to this because they believe that the extremely cold temperatures will kill any bacteria that form on the food. In fact, this is not the case. There are many types of bacteria that can withstand and live through freezing temperatures. This is why it’s especially important that your storage space is organized, and that all food is not piled on top of each other.

Cooking on the other hand, is typically enough to kill any bacteria that can be found on food. This is especially true when you’re cooking at the very high heats that dough typically requires. However, to ensure that the cooking process eliminates any bacteria that could have been formed, it’s important to make sure that you follow the instructions provided by your pizza dough distributor.

Keeping your package dough safe isn’t hard, but it is very important. When you want the best dough that will be of the highest quality each and every time, come see us at DeIorios. We’ll fully explain how to prepare our dough safely, so you can get on with other things – like creating your next unique menu special!