Frozen Pizza Dough Facts

homemade pizza

We’re not going to bore you with a whole bunch of stats and figures on frozen pizza dough and how healthy it is for you. While all of that is true, we just want to take a minute to bust some of the myths surrounding package dough and help you see just how very good it is.

Frozen dough is nutritious
We are a fresh-obsessed society and for the most part, that’s a good thing. But somewhere in our health-conscious ways we’ve somehow confused the terms “frozen” and “bad,” and now think they mean the same thing. In fact, this is not true at all. Freezing technologies have come so far in the last few years that dough can be frozen almost immediately after it’s fully prepared. This means that each of those nutrients and minerals packed in there at the time, are still there when they arrive at your door.

Frozen dough is a true value
It’s true – buying frozen dough will always be cheaper in the long run. Not only do you not have to buy all of the ingredients separately, but you also don’t have the scraps and waste that come right out of your pocket. When you buy frozen, you pay only for the dough.

Freezing is natural
So many people speak about freezing as though it’s new-fangled technology that destroys food. In fact, freezing food for storage first came from the Eskimos in Newfoundland, Canada. After American explorers saw that this culture hung their fish in the freezing temperatures outside to preserve them, refrigeration was born soon after. Freezing is a completely natural process, and definitely not something to be afraid of.

When you want to bust the myths of frozen foods yourself, call us at DeIorios. We are the best frozen dough manufacturers, and we can help you with any of your bread needs!