Find Out Even More about Pizza Dough When You Follow Us on Twitter!

Find Out Even More about Pizza Dough When You Follow Us on Twitter!

DeIorios is now on Twitter! That’s right, we’ve joined the social networking revolution and are now available to talk to you about frozen pizza dough, frozen rolls, and other frozen dough products whenever you want!

DeIorios on Twitter

When you start following us on Twitter, you’ll be the first to have instant access to all of the blog posts you’ll find right here – only now you won’t have to keep checking back to see if new posts are up or not. And, you’ll also be able to browse through our tweets and find pictures of all the best products we think are out there online – and all that you can make with the dough you find right here at DeIorios. We couldn’t believe how many great ideas are out there – and we bet you won’t be able to, either!

At DeIorios, we want to keep in touch with you and we want you to be able to send us a quick instant message or a tweet whenever you want to. And if you find a great creative dough pic, we want you to post that so that we can get even more ideas too!

Follow us on Twitter today, and let’s start talking!