Fake Strawberry Shortcake with Pizza Dough

Fake Strawberry Shortcake with Pizza Dough

 Pizza DoughJune 14th is National Strawberry Shortcake Day, just in time to really kick off summer festivities. If you want to do something special to draw in more business this day, but don’t want to go to the time and trouble of actually making strawberry shortcake, fake it using frozen pizza dough!

Start with package dough that’s fully uncooked and tear small pieces off that you can roll around in your hand. Roll the small pieces into small balls, about an inch each in diameter. Drop the dough in hot oil or bake it, just as is without any toppings or any other ingredients.

Then, melt about half a cup of butter and, in a separate bowl, mix together a few tablespoons each of cinnamon and brown sugar. One by one, roll the pizza dough first in the melted butter and then immediately in the cinnamon/sugar mixture. Place in serving dishes.

From there you can just add a handful of fresh strawberries, whipped cream and if you’re feeling fancy, even a bit of mint for garnish. To get the dish really sweet and juicy, macerate the strawberries first by washing and hulling them, covering them with sugar, and then allowing them to sit in the fridge for several hours beforehand. This will also soften up the dough and make it more cake-like.