Easy Steps for DeIorios’s pre-made Dough Flats

easy steps using dough flats

Easy Steps for DeIorios’s pre-made Dough Flats

Who would have dreamed some of the best pizza is being served out of c-stores, QSR’s, and institutions?
DeIorio’s has made it possible.

We can provide all the range of pizza products depending on how many steps you’d like to save.  Skip the scratch made dough process.  How many steps and employees do you want to involve in the process?  How much time do you want to save?  Pizza and sub shops, bakeries, concession stands, and full serve restaurants have all chosen DeIorio’s Frozen Dough products for the same reason.  A tasty end product with saved steps and man hours.

We’ve been perfecting our recipes for nearly 80 years, but can also private label and manufacture your unique recipe.  Traditional Pizza flavors made easy.

For instance take DeIori’s Dough Balls, Shells and Flats. Imagine the time saved if you would follow this process:

Easy steps for DeIorios’s pre-made Dough Flats

  1. Grease the pan with cooking spray.  ( Use a 16 size pan for 22 oz or 26oz for a thicker crust)
  2. Remove a frozen Dough Flat from its packaging, and set the packaging bag aside to use for thawing.  Place the Dough Flat flour side down in the middle of the greased pan.
  3. Using the packaging bag, place the pan with frozen Dough Flat back into the bag, tucking the bag under the pan and around the Dough Flat.
  4. Place the pan with the frozen Dough Flat into the cooler to thaw overnight.
  5. The next day, remove the thawed Dough Flat with its pan from the cooler.
  6. On a work surface, using the palms of your hands, stretch the thawed and pliable Dough Flat  to the edges of the pan. The palms of your hands will create a more even surface, rather than using your fingers which can leave impressions or holes in the dough.
  7. Spread 6-8 ounces of sauce over the surface of the Dough Flat to within 1/2” of the edge of crust.
  8. Top with 8 ounces of diced, or 10 ounces of shredded cheese.
  9. Bake for 6-8 minutes in a 450 degree oven.  Slice and serve.

Delicious cheese pizza.  Vary the pizza toppings to create the unique flavors your customers will look forward to coming back for.

How easy do you want it? Check out our pizza guide.
Let DeIorio’s make it from scratch for you.

Contact us today and we can recommend the best frozen dough product for your business.  Save time, money and man hours.