Deep Fried Pizza Dough Can Be Found in Italy Too!

Deep Fried Pizza Dough Can Be Found in Italy Too!

Deep Fried Pizza DoughWe’ve already told you about how those in Scotland have been enjoying deep fried pizza dough since the 1970s, but of course this delicacy can be found in Italy too. And just like in Scotland, the Italians have two of their own versions.

The first version uses Italian pizza dough, with one stacked onto another with different types of pizza garnish stuffed inside. Most commonly those are traditional pizza toppings such as tomatoes, cheese, vegetables, and meats.

Gnocco Fritto and Torta Fritta are two Italian dishes that also use deep-fried dough. In these dishes only one crust is used and there are no toppings added, although sugar or salt is often sprinkled on after it’s finished cooking. The dough is also cut into small squares before cooking so that the middle puffs up, allowing toppings to be stuffed inside when they are finished frying.

If you haven’t yet served deep fried dough in your restaurant, try either these Italian dishes, or the Scottish ones we’ve already given you. It’s a great spin on regular pizza, and gives you that authentic twist everyone’s looking for right now. Customers will be lining up at your door to get their hands on them, no matter which form you serve them in!