Celebrate Pizza Crust on Pizza Pie Day!

Celebrate Pizza Crust on Pizza Pie Day!

 Wholesome Gluten Free Products There are at least four different food holidays that focus on delicious homemade pizza. We’ve already told you about a few of them. October is the month to celebrate all things pizza, while the second week of January holds pizza in reverence too. In February alone there’s the Great American Pizza Bake during the second week and now, we tell you about Pizza Pie Day. It falls on February 9 and is another great way to showcase your pizza crust.

We suggest you use the same strategy you did for Great American Pies Month (if you ran a promotion when we told you about that food holiday.) Offer a different type of pizza today, such as Tasti Grain gluten free or whole wheat pizza dough. Slap a discounted price onto that item, but make sure that it’s only if the customer purchases an entire pizza – because it’s Pizza Pie Day, not Pizza Slice Day.

Our favorite food holidays around here are those that focus on delicious pizza, and we know they’re yours too. That’s why here at DeIorios we not only tell you about them, but also different ways you can use them to lure hungry pizza customers in through your door.