Can Pizza Dough Really Help Prevent Cancer?

Can Pizza Dough Really Help Prevent Cancer?

Frozen Pizza DoughRecently there’s been a lot of talk around the myth that eating pizza dough can help prevent certain types of cancer, namely esophageal and colon cancer. But is this really true? Or is it just myth made up by true hard-core pizza fans? Turns out pizza lovers can rejoice. This one seems to be true after all.

It was researchers at the Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research in Milan that made the discovery about ten years ago that pizza can in fact be beneficial to your health and help prevent certain types of cancers. After a study on two different test groups, one that ate pizza regularly and one that didn’t, the researchers found that those who ate the pie at least once a week were 59 per cent less likely to develop esophageal cancer. The risk of colon cancer on the other hand, dropped to 26 per cent.

The information is nothing new really, but does put another spin on something we’ve known for a long time: the Mediterranean diet, including pizza garnish such as tomato sauce and olive oil, and Italian pizza dough is a healthful diet. While it’s been known to be very good for the heart, it’s also good to know now that it can also reduce one’s chances of cancer.

Of course eating pizza five times a week isn’t going to help anyone’s health; nor can it be said that doing so will prevent cancer of any kind. But this is one fun fact that will certainly be fun to put on your menu, and get your customers talking!