Boosting the Health Benefits of Multigrain Products

homemade pizza recipe from DeIorios

Multigrain products, such as multigrain pizza dough, can bring a whole new flavor to your menu and health benefits that make your customers feel slightly less guilty about the indulgence. But in addition to just using multigrain dough, there are other ways that you can take these menu items and boost their health factor up another notch.

One of the tastiest, and easiest, things you can do to make whole wheat products even healthier is to top it with sugar-free sauce, or sauce that has had its sugar content reduced. Traditional pizza sauce is typically very high in sugar, which can turn into empty calories. Use low-sugar sauce, and advertise that you do so.

Also when trying to cut fat and calories, use only a very small amount of cheese but use strongly flavored cheeses such as gouda, brie, or blue cheese. These cheeses pack a punch, without needing to add huge amounts to get it.

Healthier toppings, such as turkey pepperoni, can also attract the health-conscious customer’s eye, and they bring other benefits too. For instance, did you know that turkey pepperoni isn’t just far less greasy, but it also gets crispier than pork pepperoni, too?

Offering different, and healthier, choices to your customers today is essential. But to set your business apart from the crowd even more, boost those benefits by paying attention to the details that go on top of the dough.