Are Your Customers Leaving Pizza Crust on Their Plates?

wholesale dough manufacturer
Some people like to eat their entire pizza crust, and others don’t, eating the toppings and the cheese while leaving that outer layer of pizza dough sitting on their plates. Many restaurant owners have come to accept this and chock it up to the fact that some people just don’t like eating wholesale pizza dough.  But it’s usually not just as simple as that.

Often, there’s something wrong with the dough, and customers don’t like that specific dough. It may be too bland, it may be too dry, but whatever the reason for it, there is one. And there are a couple of solution restaurant owners can try to leave customers completely happy with their pizza – down to the last bite.

One of the most common solutions to the problem is already being used by restaurants and pizzerias around the country. It’s simply offering a dipping sauce with the pizza, so that the last bite of crust can be as tasty and delicious as the rest of the pizza. Another solution is to take toppings all the way to the edge, so there is virtually no crust, and no dough for customers to leave on their plates. To do this, restaurants simply have to roll out the dough as they normally would, and not gather it around the edge so there is no bulky piece of crust left.

Both of these are good solutions when you start seeing lots of crust left on plates. And both of them will get people talking about your restaurant, and coming in to try all of your pizza!